Poopy MButt

Outtakes from Funny Clothes

The website Inherently Funny has
received hundreds of submissions
for funny clothes.

Many were not published.
A lot were poop jokes.

Item of Clothing

The Butt Mask

It’s like a mask, but you wear it on your butt.

October 21, 2020
Item of Clothing

Pee Pants Trousers

They’re pants that have a pee stain on them! Just weird!

May 12, 2020
Item of Clothing


Put them on in the morning, wear them through the day, throw them out the window because there's too much laundry already. Wake up the next day wondering why your feet are so cold.

March 5, 2018
Item of Clothing


It is a mixture between a giraffe and a jacket.

September 23, 2016
Item of Clothing

Foot Undies

Do want to be that poor kid on the playground, with everyone around you chanting “Naked Feet! Naked Feet!” scaring your life forever? I didn't think so. So get foot undies!

March 20, 2016
Item of Clothing

Knee High Turkey Boots

It is a knee-high, wedged heel boot but it is made out of turkey so if you are starving in the woods, you can eat your shoe.

May 7, 2015